The internet is for surfing, not printing.
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Psycho Nymph Exile

Porpentine Charity Heartscape

2016 - 2017

Described by the artist as “a multimedia survival kit for another dimension,” Psycho Nymph Exile is a fractured sci-fi narrative that plays out across multiple platforms. The work includes a novella (ebook and print), two interactive poems, a sticker set of a three-irised eye, a website featuring Porpentine’s photography, and an online portal to extra hidden stories that visitors can unlock by entering keywords from the book.

This exploded publication can be thought of as an extension of the possibilities of hypertext, an experimental practice bridging literature and art that took shape in the 1980s and 1990s. Psycho Nymph Exile uses the fragmentary, nonlinear qualities of hypertext to evoke the subjective experience of trauma, extending it via multiple pathways across a range of media.

“I really hate this world and so when I make something I’m making something I can bear to live in.”

— Porpentine Charity Heartscape

Porpentine Charity Heartscape, Probiotic River Therapy, 2016. Interactive 3D poem. Screenshot, 2018.


This work—the novella in particular—includes content that may be upsetting for a wide range of reasons.Instructions for enabling sound on Chrome, on Safari.

Psycho Nymph Exile summons a surreal bricolage of sci-fi imagery, smut, horror, and magical thinking.

The novella is a romance between two women—“disgraced biomech pilot” Vellus Sadowary and Isidol, a formerly magical girl who has been robbed of her powers—both suffering from a trauma-induced disease.

Porpentine Charity Heartscape, Psycho Nymph Exile, London: Arcadia Missa, 2016. Limited edition print publication.

It takes place a tightly regimented society, where state IDs are tarot decks, PTSD is concretized as a color-coded energy source, and, in Heartscape’s words, “flashback spurt[s] from [Vellus’s] cock like a broken glass slushy.”

This world is brought to vivid life through a 3D poem, Probiotic River Therapy, built on the platform Twine. The poem is a non-linear narrative moved along by viewers’ choices. The poem appears on an abstract, interactive computer-generated landscape.

Instructions for enabling sound on Chrome, on Safari.

Porpentine Charity Heartscape, Probiotic River Therapy, 2016. Interactive 3D poem. Screenshot, 2018.

Trauma—both the initial experience of violence and the ongoing horror of a community’s refusal to acknowledge it—splinters time and space, and Psycho Nymph Exile gives form to this cognitive state by making sophisticated use of the splintered temporal and spatial qualities of hypertext.

It is a sprawling warren of scenes, theories, and declarations, flashbacks and feedback loops, woven together in a complex structure that communicates the pain of embodiment, exile, and the search for belonging.

Porpentine Charity Heartscape, Girlbeam, 2016. Hypertext poem. Screenshot, 2018, Google Chrome.

“She sees another hormone cyborg on the street ahead of her, black strap top hanging off the shoulder, bare legs under a pink tennis skirt. Recognizes her by the burning hotter to make up for having never burnt at all, the body that distorts reality around it, shattering images in its wake.”